UniFit Continuous Packed Membrane Filter


Cobetter UniFit continuous packed MCE gridded membrane filters are sterile-sealed in individual bags on a continuous band, provide the user with the same quality and reliability as Cobetter MicroDisc individually packed MCE membranes. 

It revolutionize filter handling by combining the benefits of ready-to-use, individually-packed membranes with a handling Dispenser. Just press the lever or button of the dispenser, the sterile membrane will be unwrapped from the package for easy access. 

The pleating package of the band units ensures the membrane remain in perfect flat form when dispensed.        

To know more features of Mixed cellulose Esters MCE Membrane Filter, click here.

Features and Benefits

- Nictrocellulose mixed ester, biological inert mixture of cellulose acetate and cellulose nitrate.
- Outstanding bacterial recovery rates as microbial testing membrane.
Rapid flow rate and high throughput contribute to consistent and uniform test results.
Each continuous band contains 150 pcs of 47mm sterile, gridded filters.
The folded bands provide hands-free convenience for the use of MCE microbiological analysis membrane, reduce laboratory time and boost lab efficiency.
Gamma Irradiation meet to Sterility Assurance Level (SAL) of 10-6 as defined in ISO 11137-1:2006.
Visible traceability, part number, lot number, pore size as well as sequential number (from 1 to 150) are printed clearly on the protective film of every membrane cell.
Membranes numbered from 1 to 150, maintain control of the ribbon progressive usage.
- The folded ribbons provide hands-free convenience, reduce laboratory time and boost lab efficiency.
Compatible with various dispensers, such as Millipore EZ-Pak Dispenser Curve, Sartorius Microsart E-Motion, Whatman Membrane-Butler.
Easily peeling off the transparent film on the band, contribute smooth running on standard dispensers. Peeling Strength Verification Report.
  Document Download   Verification Report-CBT.pdf

Consistent Bacterial Growth Recovery 

E. Coli ATCC? 8739Recover ≥90% versus spread plateComply with ISO 7704:1985 (≥80% recovery)
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa ATCC? 9027Recover ≥90% versus spread plateComply with ISO 7704:1985 (≥80% recovery)

—— Document Download  Bacterial Recovery Test Report of Cobetter MCE Grid Membrane.pdf

Bacterial Retention Ability

- 0.22μm MCE membrane meet the requirements of ASTM F838, pass >107 cfu/cm2 Pseudomonas deficient (ATCC? 19146) bacterial challenge test. 

- 0.45μm MCE membrane meet the requirements of ASTM F838, pass >107 cfu/cm2 Serratia Marcescens (ATCC? 14756) bacterial challenge test. 

—— Document Download   Bacterial Challenge Verification Test Report of Cobetter MCE Grid Membrane.pdf

Ordering Information

Cat. No.DescriptionFilter SurfaceFilter ColorSterilizationPacking
SMFWGMC470022CCobetter Mixed Cellulose Ester MCE membrane filter 0.22μm 47mm white gridded

Gridded filter;
on pleated band



1 band of 150 filters
SMFWGMC470045CCobetter Mixed Cellulose Ester MCE membrane filter 0.45μm 47mm white gridded

Gridded filter;
on pleated band



1 band of 150 filters
SMFWGMC470080CCobetter Mixed Cellulose Ester MCE membrane filter 0.8μm 47mm white gridded

Gridded filter;
on pleated band




1 band of 150 filters

Cobetter Mixed Cellulose Ester MCE membrane filter 0.22μm 47mm black gridded

Gridded filter;
on pleated band



1 band of 150 filters
SMFLGMC470045CCobetter Mixed Cellulose Ester MCE membrane filter 0.45μm 47mm black gridded

Gridded filter;
on pleated band



1 band of 150 filters
SMFLGMC470080CCobetter Mixed Cellulose Ester MCE membrane filter 0.8μm 47mm black gridded

Gridded filter;
on pleated band



1 band of 150 filters

MicroDisc Sterile MCE
Membrane Filter

Mixed Cellulose Esters (MCE)
Membrane Filter

UniFit Dispenser

UniFit Manifold


S58 Filtration UnitAscle U Filtration FunnelDisposable Vacuum FilterSterility Testing

For technical data sheet or application inquiry, you are more than welcome to contact our sales representative by sales@cobetterfilter.com or leave a message