
Nylon Membrane

Nylon-Membrane.jpgNylon membrane is hydrophilic in nature. With high hydrophilicity, it provides not only high flow rate but also high strength with substrate and broad chemical & PH compatibility.The membrane is casting on a non-woven substrate, thence, it perform better mechanical ability than other none-substrate membranes.

The Positively-Charged version is widely used in endotoxin retention applications. The Nylon membrane is surface modified with positive groups which could effectively adsorb negatively charged endotoxin. The Negatively-Charged version is used in a variety of applications where electrical twinning or effective retention of microbes and particles are required. Reverse Dot Blot (RDB) is a typical application within which negatively-charged nylon membrane is used as a carrier media of gene probes.

The Positively-Charged version can closey combine with DNA molecule and endotoxins, with improved sensitivity and reduced background.

Certified Biological Safety (ISO 10993/USP Class VI)

Wide Range of Pore Sizes

High Mechanical Strength & Reusable

Lot-to-lot Consistency

Compatible with Different Sealing Methods

Ultrasonic, Heat, Mechanical, RF Welding, Inserting Molding

Sterilization Compatibility

Autoclave, Ethylene Oxide, E-Beam, Gamma Irradiation

Available Pore Sizes (μm)

0.1 / 0.2 / 0.45 / 0.65 / 0.8 / 1.2 / 3.0

Nylon Version
- Positively Charged Nylon Membrane
- Negatively Charged Nylon Membrane
- Uncharged Nylon Membrane

Typical Applications

- Molecular Diagnosis (Southern Blotting)

- Genetic Diagnosis (DNA Dot Hybridization / Reverse Dot Blot)

- Sample Preparation Filtration  

Syringe Filter Needle

- Diagnosis Test Strips (Carrier Layer)

- IV Filter

Membrane Formats

- Roll

- Sheet

- Disc

- Customized Format

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